Internal and external thread repair
I know - it sounds like I am repeating myself since I did a blog post not too long ago on external thread repair. But wait - didn’t the title for this blog post say internal and external thread repair? So why didn’t he cover internal in the last blog post? The reason I didn’t cover ‘internal’ in the last blog post is because besides trying to start a tap in cross threading or in some instances using a back tap if they make it in that size. There was no good way to fix internal damaged threads.

Every year I try to make it out to the SEMA AAPEX show just to see what is new in the industry. As you can see from the photo the last few years I think everyone has this same idea. This show is a mad house and it is impossible to get near any booth with anything really interesting. I caught a glimpse of what looked like an interesting answer to how to fix the internal damaged thread problem. Forgetting even trying to get near the booth I formulated my plan. I would make my attack at sunrise or when the doors open. It is really surprising but for some reason mornings are not a big hit with most people in Las Vegas. With hardly a soul in sight, I made my way to the Anglo American NES booth and was totally impressed with their entire product line.

This is the ATCNES1015 basic thread repair starter kit.

The internal thread repair tool goes down inside past the damaged thread. You just expand the replaceable carbide cutter out into good threads and slowly turn the cutter backwards cutting and reshaping damaged threads. It also comes with a protective cap for working with aluminum threads.
This tool is simple to use and almost fool proof. It comes in different sizes for most of your common bolt sizes. No worry about thread count or if it is SAE or Metric. Plainly said, this tool is just amazing and needs to be in every tool box.

The kit also comes with an outside thread restoring tool. I am sure everyone has seen this tool and it has been around for years and I covered it in an earlier blog post.

Leave it to NES to improve the outside thread chaser. I am sure everyone has dealt with damaged threads on a keyway sprocket. Time to break out the thread files because the outside thread chaser will not work with a keyway. NES has developed a keyway jumping attachment for the ATCNES3. This attachment allows you to turn the re-threader all the way around the spindle and maintain the cutting teeth at the proper depth and angle without falling in the keyway. I may be the only one that gets excited on seeing a truly revolutionary way to solve an existing problem. I know my employees look at me kind of funny when I get worked up over a new tool. Below is a video link on how the NES3 works with the keyway attachment. Sorry it is a factory demo, so it’s a little dry...
I didn’t go into more detail on how it works and all the sizes covered. Take a minute look at the photos. The internal thread restorer words great. Crisp clean threads just blow out the shavings. Enough said in the photo with the chips in the threads.
As always …. Happy Wrenching
- Fred